As the winter months come around the corner, you'll notice seasonal changes in your home. One of the most common changes is the condensation on the windows. If you don't know what to do once this happens, that's fine.

Read this blog to see how you can manage the humidity levels in the winter.

Turn up the heat

As long as you heat your home in the cold season, you'll keep excess moisture at bay. But don't turn it into a sauna because it will only make the problem even worse. You should use dry heat and ensure adequate airflow when warming your home.

Use a dehumidifier

A dehumidifier's job is to take water out of the air, then speed up the natural evaporation process. You can use these as portable devices and as a fixed appliances that are part of the HVAC system.

They are most useful in basements, laundry rooms, bathrooms, and other areas that have high humidity levels. An excellent type of dehumidifier is a built-in humidistat. A humidistat is similar to a thermostat, but it measures relative humidity levels in the area and signals a dehumidifier to start or stop working.

Improve ventilation and airflow

Does your washer and dryer cause windows to fog when they're on? Consider getting an exhaust fan in the laundry room. It will also help if you use an exhaust fan while cooking to prevent the food moisture from affecting your home. Your bathroom's fan also has significant use in managing your humidity level. Simply leave it on for another 30 minutes after getting out of the shower.

Proper Drainage and Flooring

Always keep your downspouts and gutters clear. It's a good measure to check that the downspouts and landscaping direct the water away from your home.

Some types of carpets retain moisture. You can switch them out for solid flooring to reduce relative humidity levels.

Insulate Your Pipes and Upgrade Your Windows

Exposed pipes inside your home are prone to moisture. Insulate your pipes to prevent them from being moist and protect them from the cold weather.

High-efficiency windows like double pane windows or those with an insulating film reduce energy exchanges during the winter. It also decreases their chances to fog-up. You also need to ensure the weather stripping and caulking around your windows are in good shape.

Are you looking for more professional advice from an HVAC expert in St. Louis, MO? Talk to one of our skilled technicians at Environmental Heating & Cooling to learn more!